Cancer Ascendant: Your Rising Sign Horoscope for 2023 - 2024

From September 2023 to February 2024, everything goes pretty smoothly in your life. Both at work, and in your personal life. After that, you may get a little bored and are ready for a new challenge. That will come from April 2024, as long as you work on it yourself. It is important that you know exactly what you wish to change in your life and take action on it. This also applies to your relationships and friendships. You have the opportunity to make changes, but you have to make the right choices.   

This Ascendant Horoscope covers the period from September 2023 to August 2024.

Career, studies and finance

Until February 2024, you feel you are doing just fine. You like your job or study, you have nice colleagues, fellow students, customers or patients, and you get the necessary pleasure and satisfaction out of it. In 2024, however, this will slowly change. It starts to get a little boring and predictable, and you start to dislike it more and more. It's not that you want to leave or quit your studies right away, it's more a feeling of dissatisfaction. Chances are that changes will be made from higher up, changes over which you have no influence or control. And you seriously wonder if you still fit into that picture. This is happening in June 2024, and this could be the starting signal for you to look around for another job or study. You may even be thinking about starting up for yourself. It is important in this whole process, as a Cancer ascendant, that you listen to your feelings. Where does your passion lie? What makes you really happy and gives you the most satisfaction? Once you have that clear for yourself, you can make choices and make your mind up and there is a good chance that you will come closer and closer to your dream job or study.

As a Cancer ascendant, you love to shop and spend money on your home, clothes or on the children. In the fall of 2023 this will not cause any problems and you can do so with ease. However, as soon as changes occur on the work front, you will have to pay attention and be more careful with your budget. Your financial future may then be temporarily uncertain, in which case it is better to have a nest egg.


Your health depends on how you feel and whether there are many tensions. If you are enjoying yourself at school or at work and if you have a nice relationship, then you feel good. If the atmosphere at home is good and your children, if any, are doing okay, then there is little for you to wish for. When things go wrong in one of these areas and you start experiencing stress, then things change. Then you may experience sleep problems, stomach aches or anxiety. Be aware of the influence of your environment on your health; that's the first step. Then share your concerns with someone you trust; that helps best.

Spare time

In your free time, you like to be at home. Preferably with your partner, any children or (domestic) animals around you. You like to invite friends and family over for drinks or dinner and when you do, you can count on cosy moments. Yet it is also advisable to take regular time for yourself. Allow yourself a warm bath, reading a good book or meditating. Stay in touch with your feelings to be able to give yourself what you need.    

Love & Relationship

Until April 2024, you'll have a good time with your partner. After that, you will still be fine, but you will need more tension, excitement or a little more unpredictability. You may start working on that together. As a single, you have been that too long for your liking. You are in need of a mate in your life, unfortunately that is still some time away.

Love as a single person

You don't like to be alone. As a Cancer ascendant, you love to have moments to yourself, just not constantly! As early as the fall, you feel the need for a new love in your life and you do everything you can to make it happen. Going out, getting on a dating site or even letting friends set you up. Unfortunately, this does not have a positive outcome. At least not until July 2024. Around your birthday, someone unexpectedly walks into your life and then you forget the period before that very quickly.   

Love in relationship

You have probably had a good time with your partner for years. You are faithful and loyal as a Cancer ascendant and security and stability is important to you in a relationship. This will not change anytime soon either. What can take place, however, is that it all becomes a little too boring and predictable. That you unintentionally start taking yourselves for granted. Then it's time to take action. That will probably be in the spring of 2024. Then start doing more together to make things more fun again, such as a vacation or romantic weekend getaway.

Social circle

Friends and family are important to you. It may take some time before you trust someone or before you really have the courage to show yourself, but once that happens, it's all right. Often for a very long time. Still, in the period ahead, changes may begin to occur within your family or circle of friends. You have different views on important matters or there are other developments that cause you to grow apart. Or at least have less contact. This plays out especially between March and June 2024. This causes you considerable stress, even though it may not be your "fault" at all. Realize that some things happen this way and that there is a good reason for it. The good thing is, after all, that the people who remain turn out to be really good friends.

Growth Tip!

Take action when you want changes and make choices that are necessary to make things better or more enjoyable for you. You may focus on yourself more often.   

Lucky days & favourable periods

There are really no unfavourable periods for you this coming year, which is of course very nice! It all flows peacefully, with an outlier here and there. For example, the months of June through August 2024 are very positive for you. You will have made the necessary improvements in your life and made the right choices for yourself if everything goes well. Real lucky days can be expected on June 12, 2024, July 24, 2024 and August 6, 2024.




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