Taurus Ascendant: Your Rising Sign Horoscope for 2023 - 2024

As a Taurus ascendant, you get to deal with beautiful and interesting astrological aspects. This will give you the chance to improve yourself on several fronts in your life. You will also delve more deeply into spiritual topics and development, broadening your vision and seeing new opportunities. This can be a very positive period for you, allowing you to take yourself and your life to a higher level. For this you will have to let go and sometimes take risks, but this will be doubly rewarded.

This Ascendant Horoscope covers the period from September 2023 to August 2024.


Career, studies and finance

From January through April 2024, things are going to change for you. Fortunately, you don't see this as a problem and rather an opportunity to improve yourself. That is exactly what these developments are for. You may see an unexpected opportunity, to get more satisfaction from your job or studies or to secure a promotion. For some ascendant Taurus, it may even mean leaving your salaried job and going into business for yourself. You have some planetary influences at your back and the sky is the limit! If you are studying, a specialization or other direction may present itself which suits you much better. Then dare to choose it wholeheartedly. From May 2024 you will enter a positive flow, in which you will receive more and more confirmation that you have chosen the right path. Under the influence of planet Uranus, you can count again on unexpected opportunities and possibilities and when you react alertly to them, you can lay a fantastic new foundation for your career. This does make this period sometimes hectic and restless, which you, as a conservative ascendant, may not always be able to cope with. Take care of yourself then.  


Because you often manage to seize the right opportunities and possibilities, you also manage to improve yourself financially. You owe this positive influence mainly to planet Jupiter, which is in your ascendant sign for months. Because you are naturally frugal and not a spendthrift, you know how to make good use of your new earnings. You may even be thinking of investing in something, and that's also a great plan.



You know how to take yourself to a higher level on the health and wellness front. From September through November 2023 and July and August 2024, you feel the deep desire to engage more with spirituality and personal growth and development. Not in a floaty but earthy way. This helps you become healthier physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. For example, you may start working with Reiki or immerse yourself in astrology. Starting to meditate more often or joining a spiritual club of like-minded people. On this front, you can be an inspiration to others.  


Spare time

In your free time, you increasingly feel the need to be alone. To read, meditate, work in the garden or walk in nature. Give in to that need, it helps you with your personal growth and development and your health. Yet there are also many moments when you enjoy being among like-minded people. These moments arise naturally when you follow your feelings. Don't plan too much, provide spontaneous appointments and actions more often.


Love & Relationship

As you work on yourself, a newer version of yourself is unconsciously created! This can further deepen or develop your relationship. Your self-esteem grows, making you as a single less likely to meet a "wrong" man or woman. You know how to value the other person more and more, because you value yourself.


Love as a single person

In the summer of 2024, chances are good that you will bump into someone. Until then, the focus will be on your spiritual path, your personal development and all the happenings at work and study. Also, around June 2024 you won't have reached the point where you feel really good about yourself and ready for a new love in your life. The chances of this not being picked up by the cosmos are therefore very small! You just get a lot of opportunities on your path in the coming time and fortunately this also applies to love.


Love in relationship

Your relationship renews itself as the months go by. It can sometimes feel just like getting to know each other all over again, and that is a beautiful, deepening experience for your relationship. At least, when your partner is open to it. If he or she prefers everything to stay the same, there may be struggles in March or April 2024. If the foundation is strong enough, you will come out of this stronger and more loving together. It is important that you continue to communicate with each other and also read between the lines.


Social circle

The relationship with (old) friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances also steadily changes. You see them in a different light, causing the relationships to change. This means you say goodbye to some people and the relationship with others improves. In addition, chances are that new people will appear in your life. People who are more like-minded and understand the process you are going through or what your vision is. This will bring you great satisfaction and joy. This is especially possible in the fall of 2023, certainly if you join a spiritual association or attend these types of events. A spontaneous conversation can lead to a beautiful friendship. Conversations with strangers can give you new insights. This could be a very enriching year for you.


Growth Tip!

Trust your feelings, your inner voice and your wisdom, they will lead you to the right next step. Don't be afraid to change, in fact it will take you exactly where you want to be.  


Lucky days & favourable periods

As a Taurus ascendant, you may eagerly look forward to many highlights. On a spiritual level, beautiful moments await you in the fall of 2023. For your career, that's the first quarter of 2024. For love, that's the summer of 2024. On each level, you are sure to have lucky days and they are on September 17th, 2023, February 11th, 2024 and July 12th, 2024. Make it something great.





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