Rituals for the Supermoon

The astronomical event generates, besides a special and very cool phenomenon to look at, a perfect atmosphere for rituals to attract fortune and love.

Energetic bath
You need a bathtub as it consists of a kind of preparation. Use warm to hot water and add a handful of sea salt, as well as drops of lavender oil. In fact, you can choose whichever one you like best, but lavender oil conveys tranquillity. Step into the tub and relax while listening to soothing music or reading a little. Try not to involve the element of fire (candles) to let the water flow calmly into your life.

This Blue Supermoon is ideal for meditating on your life, but without getting too deep into it. That is, you will not solve your problems, but you will find practical and more concise solutions. When the Full Moon is about to come you should find a quiet place, free from distractions such as the noise of the street or the bustle of people. Choose a space in which to sit such as a comfortable cushion or a comfortable chair or couch. Now you should sit up straight and close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly but smoothly. Think of anything you want and imagine it as clouds that melt on the way, or shape it into any form you like, such as a sugar cube that melts with water, a piece of paper that vanishes when water falls on it, or any similar action.

Giving thanks on paper
Take advantage of the second Full Moon and write down everything you are thankful for this month. In a new notebook, make a list of good things that happened to you during the month, such as new people, salary and job increases, the growth of your plants, and more. Writing allows you to open up more fully and understand that it's all in the details, so if you are thankful for the little things, it will be easier to give thanks for the bigger things. If you want to write down bigger things or "manifest" what you wish for the next month, it is also functional to communicate with those who are no longer with you so they can hear about your life and your actions.

Charge crystals
This ritual is not so much for you - at least in the first instance - but for your quartz and stones. We know that these can be charged at every Full Moon, but on this Blue Supermoon it is best to have a specific selection of quartz that bring confidence and well-being such as white or clear quartz or lapis lazuli and place them in a container to receive direct light all night. The next day you can use them as usual, either with you or where you normally keep them.


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