What word best describes your mood right now?
What's your employment status?
Unemployed/seeking work
I don't have to work
Employed full-time
In school
What's your relationship status?
In a serious relationship
Seeing someone casually
Playing the field
Happily single and not looking
How are your finances?
You're getting by on a strict budget
You're comfortable
You're totally broke
You're rich
Are you sure you want to leave now?
You can try again later.
{"clases":["General"],"preguntas":[{"titulo":"What word best describes your mood right now?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Worried","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Calm","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Tired","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Happy","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"What's your employment status?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Unemployed\/seeking work","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"I don't have to work","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Employed full-time","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"In school","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"What's your relationship status?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"In a serious relationship","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Seeing someone casually","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Playing the field","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Happily single and not looking","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"How are your finances?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"You're getting by on a strict budget","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"You're comfortable","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"You're totally broke","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"You're rich","img":"","puntos":"0"}]}],"resultados":[{"titulo":"Goldfish. Get a new pet! A goldfish brings happiness, increased financial luck, and adds good energy to your daily life. Take good care of your new fishy friend and you will not only have someone who is always happy to see you, but will help attract more of what you desire and improve your mood.","img":"","puntos_ini":"0","puntos_fin":"3"},{"titulo":"Crane. This regal bird is said to have an especially powerful ability to extend one's life, improve health, and increase personal freedom. So, if you have a health concern, want to live well into your golden years, or improve your overall opportunities to experience life to its fullest, get a crane (origami or figurine, painting, photograph, etc.)","img":"","puntos_ini":"4","puntos_fin":"6"},{"titulo":"Dragon. To help with your work\/career realm or to get a general boost in confidence, use the power of the dragon. You can get something embellished with the symbol, a small statue, or even a tattoo. This powerful, red-hot creature will give you the strength and courage you need to more successfully pursue your desires.","img":"","puntos_ini":"7","puntos_fin":"9"},{"titulo":"Rose quartz. This lovely gemstone carries special healing and romantic energy, so if you want more health, happiness, and love in your life, this is the lucky charm for you. Get a polished piece to carry with you, or a sparkly crystal to display. You can also get it in bead form.","img":"","puntos_ini":"10","puntos_fin":"12"}],"titulo":"What will bring you luck?"}


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