What city would you rather live in?
Austin, TX.
Miami, FL.
New York, NY.
San Francisco, CA.
Your favorite accessory is:
A hat.
Your latest gadget.
Your idea of the perfect night out on the town involves:
Drinking, dancing, and debauchery.
A nice dinner and maybe a movie.
Grabbing some take-out and renting a DVD.
Running around in the dark.
What film genre do you like best?
Foreign or independent films.
Comedy or horror movies.
Big blockbusters or epic dramas.
Romances or ''feel good'' movies.
Are you sure you want to leave now?
You can try again later.
{"clases":["General"],"preguntas":[{"titulo":"What city would you rather live in?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Austin, TX.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Miami, FL.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"New York, NY.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"San Francisco, CA.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"Your favorite accessory is:","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Sunglasses.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"A hat.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Jewelry.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Your latest gadget.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"Your idea of the perfect night out on the town involves:","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Drinking, dancing, and debauchery.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"A nice dinner and maybe a movie.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Grabbing some take-out and renting a DVD.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Running around in the dark.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"What film genre do you like best?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Foreign or independent films.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Comedy or horror movies.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Big blockbusters or epic dramas.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Romances or ''feel good'' movies.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]}],"resultados":[{"titulo":"Small Magellanic Cloud. The Small Magellanic Cloud is an irregular dwarf galaxy connected by a gas bridge to the Large Magellanic, and among the most distant objects visible to the naked eye. Like this galaxy, you have a small person's energy, whatever your size. You're understated and elusive, but never rude. Recognizing neighbors' tidal pull on each other's lives, you go with the flow.","img":"","puntos_ini":"0","puntos_fin":"4"},{"titulo":"Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with a 100,000 light-year diameter, the biggest thing in our cosmic neighborhood. Like this giant pinwheel, you've been everywhere and know everything. People have heard all your stories, but they'll listen again. They come to you for advice because your familiar honesty can be very comforting.","img":"","puntos_ini":"5","puntos_fin":"9"},{"titulo":"Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, a spiral containing one trillion stars, is bright enough to be seen in urban areas. And just like this nearby spiral galaxy, you're the friendly, beautiful and popular girl or boy next door. People can't look away, but you're too distant to touch. Maybe you're actually famous, or maybe you just seem that way.","img":"","puntos_ini":"10","puntos_fin":"12"}],"titulo":"What galaxy do you belong in?"}


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