Who do you turn to for advice most often?
Friends or family.
Books or the Internet.
An expert, like a therapist.
God, nature, or something spiritual.
You'd rather have a house made of...
Do you believe in magic or miracles?
Sometimes, if it makes sense.
I'm not sure.
Which of these household chores would you rather do?
Wash the dishes.
Polish the windows and mirrors.
Are you sure you want to leave now?
You can try again later.
{"clases":["General"],"preguntas":[{"titulo":"Who do you turn to for advice most often?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Friends or family.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Books or the Internet.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"An expert, like a therapist.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"God, nature, or something spiritual.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"You'd rather have a house made of...","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Wood.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Glass.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Gingerbread.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Brick.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"Do you believe in magic or miracles?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Yes.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"No.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Sometimes, if it makes sense.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"I'm not sure.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]},{"titulo":"Which of these household chores would you rather do?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Wash the dishes.","img":"","puntos":"1"},{"titulo":"Dust.","img":"","puntos":"0"},{"titulo":"Vacuum.","img":"","puntos":"2"},{"titulo":"Polish the windows and mirrors.","img":"","puntos":"0"}]}],"resultados":[{"titulo":"You're a tarot card. And you don't even have to ask which one! That's because you're smart, practical, and educated in arcane systems. You have a good eye for art and metaphor. You recognize symbols, identify patterns, and act on the information. You know what's in the cards, and you're prepared to deal.","img":"","puntos_ini":"0","puntos_fin":"3"},{"titulo":"You're a mood ring. In the animal kingdom, you'd be a chameleon, and in real life, perhaps a karaoke singer. You frequently change your colors and your tune. Your emotional nature always adds an element of surprise, like an impulsive makeover or a color-coded threat level. At least your friends love your spontaneous ways.","img":"","puntos_ini":"4","puntos_fin":"6"},{"titulo":"Result: You're a genie in a lamp. The world recognizes your magic, even if you're not wearing a turban and offering three dubious wishes. You're a rare individual, and people are always seeking you out. While you probably enjoy a good massage, anybody who rubs you the wrong way will surely be cursed!","img":"","puntos_ini":"7","puntos_fin":"9"},{"titulo":"You're a Magic 8-Ball. You may not have a lot of answers, but that's OK. The ones you have can apply to pretty much any situation. You're so goofy, offbeat, and fun that friends will shake you up just to see what happens. And they're never disappointed.","img":"","puntos_ini":"10","puntos_fin":"12"}],"titulo":"What fortune telling object are you?"}


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